Could 2025 Be Your Most Profitable Year Yet?
Does your business ever feel like you're wandering around in the dark? Even worse, you know there's a cliff somewhere, but you can't see where it is.
You don't know where you are or where you're going. The dark is getting darker. And you're pretty sure there's a hungry alligator in that cold water you just stepped in.
- Are your business costs rocketing out of control?
- Is your revenue shrinking?
- Is it getting harder every day to find customers?
- Is the credit crunch killing your flexibility?
- Does thinking about next year's taxes make you want to hide under a rock?
The worst part is, you can't see the path out.
Pretty stressful life, isn't it? You work longer and longer hours to make it work, but even that's not solving your problems. You're carrying a knot in your stomach all the time. Your family is sick and tired of not seeing you. And you can't blame them.
Where did that beautiful dream go? The dream of the freedom, wealth, and pleasurable challenge of owning your own business?
What if you could find a simple, inexpensive
path out of this mess?
What if your business was in rapid growth mode instead of shrinking?
What if you suddenly understood that "Midas touch" you've always envied in other business owners?
What if you could find a way to grow your business by as much as 20-50% in just 100 days?
What if you found your business 250% more productive this time next year?
What if you spent more time than ever before with your family, friends, and hobbies--guilt-free?
Does that sound like a bunch of hype to you?
I don't blame you a bit. You've got every right to be skeptical.
But I've got to tell you, other business owners are getting these results today--even in this economy.
They're taking advantage of the incredible opportunities that are created by a rapidly changing economy. They're not treading water, they're building their businesses--fast.
What lets them do that?
I'll tell you a secret about the most successful business people.
They're not geniuses. They weren't born with some kind of success gene. And despite what a lot of us think, most of them didn't get a head start by being born rich.
They do know how to see the "whole forest" of their business, not just the trees. But you'd be surprised at how often they can't do that without some help.
We're too close to see it clearly
Can I be a little blunt for just one minute?
You're not seeing your own business clearly.
And that's not your fault. After all, your business is your baby, right? You created it, and nurtured it. You put your love and passion into it and did your very best to help it grow.
But somewhere along the line, it turned into a love/hate relationship. You care strongly and you're doing your best, but somehow it's just not working. All you're getting out of the relationship is a huge amount of frustration.
At some point, nearly every business owner needs another pair of eyes. A business mentor. A coach who can show you how to find that path out of the dark, scary forest.
Someone who can show you how to get out of overwhelm and into the right kind of action--action that grows your business.
(The right kind of action isn't piling on a lot more work. In fact, most business owners find that when they start taking these kinds of actions, they have more free time, more time with their families, and less stress.)
A great coach doesn't just teach you to survive in tough times. A great coach teaches you to thrive.
OK, but business coaching costs a fortune--I could never afford that
I always smile when I hear this. (OK, I don't really smile. I bang my head on the table.)
I've seen over and over again how expensive it is to keep doing the wrong things.
How expensive it is to stay stuck, spinning your wheels in frustration.
How expensive it is to starve your business of what it needs most--the right action at the right time.
The reality is, even if coaching was the single biggest line item in your business, it would be worth every penny.
Because a high-quality coach can transform you into the kind of business person with the "magic touch." The kind who seems to find money and opportunity around every corner.
Who am I and why should you listen to me?
My name is Gary Barnes, and I help make money sticky.
I know that sounds kind of weird, so let me explain.
I show business owners how to turn themselves into those people we all admire — the lucky ones. The ones who attract wealth like some kind of magic magnet. Money just "sticks" to them.
You know the folks I mean.
Everything they touch turns to gold. They have that knack for being in the right place at the right time. They're relaxed and confident and they always seem to come out on top.
They just "get" how to be successful. It's like it's in their genes.
(Here's a hint. It's not in their genes. It's in their mindset. And we're going to give you the same golden-touch mindset that all successful people have.)
They just don't seem to live on the same planet we do!
You can get the "golden touch"
And for much less than you've been thinking
I don't normally discount my prices. But I have to tell you, I just couldn't take it any more.
It was driving me crazy, seeing so many people get into panic mode, struggling to keep their heads above water.
And I knew I could help them.
You have to understand, what I do isn't theory. The techniques I share with my clients are the same ones I've used to create businesses with 3000% growth in just three years.
Because I've "walked the walk," I show business owners how business really works.
How to avoid the cliffs and the hungry alligators. How to make more profit, find more customers, and have more fun!
The only thing standing in the way is a small amount of money. (Most of us spend a lot more than this at Starbucks.)
I know that the money is "chump change" compared to what you're going to get back.
But if you can't see that, you're going to stay stuck.
I've found that too often, the investment in coaching is like a giant tree standing right in front of your path to success.
So . . . I got rid of the tree.
Take action now, before I come to my senses
I've decided to release my Breakthrough Business Group Masterminds at a cost never seen before. Frankly, it's a little embarrassing to offer a high-quality service for so little money.
But you know what? I'm not really in this business for the money or for my ego.
(Don't get me wrong. I love being successful. It's more fun to have money than to be broke! But at the end of the day, money only gets you so far.)
I'm in this business because I love to help people. It gives me an amazing rush to see my clients go (almost like magic) from stuck and frustrated to confident and successful.
So I realized I had to "get over it." I had to help you realize the amazing benefits that coaching can bring you, even if it meant I had to get slightly crazy to do it.
How would you like to build your sales and business fast over the next 100 days? (Many of my clients increase their production by 20% to 50% within this time.)
How would you like to have more free time to do the things outside of work that bring you joy?
(And just as important, spend that time guilt-free.)
How would you like to become a master of these wealth-building skills?
- Time Management
- Marketing
- Branding
- Networking
- Sales Training
- Money Management
- Social Networking
- Creating a Vision for Your Business
- Copywriting
- and much much more...
How would you like to have a World-Class Business and Money Coach take you by the hand, and show you the proven strategies that have enabled so many past participants to increase their production by 250% or more in the first 12 months of coaching?
"Compared to last year, I have already doubled my income in the first 4 months of this year!"
Karen Schatz, President
Virtually With You, Inc.
Here's how it works
My Breakthrough Business Group Mastermind clients are so spoiled! (Which is just fine, because they deserve it.)
The group gives you "Rolls Royce results" with Hyundai pricing:
- Each month you'll join me for two hour-long Business Mastery calls every second and fourth Tuesday at 1:30 pm MT.
- These are packed with strategies and tactics that will "show you the path."
- MP3 recordings of the calls, so you can have a "coach in your iPod," to take wherever you want to go. (Here's a tip: listen to each session multiple times, so the lessons sink in and become truly second nature. This is a great way to turn annoying commute time into effortless transformation time!)
- If your wheels are spinning, here's where we can quickly "throw some sand under the tires" and get you moving forward again.
The Breakthrough Business Group Mastermind is an ongoing program.
Your investment is only $27 per month! You can get your feet wet with Breakthrough Business Group Masterminds at a ridiculously affordable cost.
If you're like virtually all of my clients, you'll find that the investment you'll put into business coaching is negligible compared with the financial benefits you enjoy.
(Not to mention the joy and peace of mind that come from running a successful business.)
Normally it's pretty hard to make me mad, but I absolutely hate recurring programs that are hard to cancel.
That's why I don't insist on a long-term commitment, or ask you to sign any contracts. If the group coaching doesn't wildly exceed your expectations, you can cancel in a matter of seconds simply by emailing Rachel at
I am totally committed to providing the tools and processes that will enable you to obtain a level of abundance, prosperity, and enjoyable success that many only dream of.
I want you to enjoy the success and peace of mind I've helped so many other business owners find.
I can't wait to "see" you on the calls! I'm really excited about the step you're taking.
To your success,
Gary Barnes
The Traction Coach
P.S. Don't take my word for it. See for yourself what others have said about Breakthrough Business Group Masterminds:
"I tripled my business in year one and am doubling it again in year two. The sky is the limit and it's a fun ride. Thanks again, Gary."
Robin Visser, President
Creative Touch Video Services
"Gary has enabled me to supersede my production from last year. I am on track to triple my income, [due] to the goals and action plan I have created with Gary's help. Gary helps me out-produce my own goals!"
Courtney Nelson, Broker Associate
Keller Williams Executive Realty
"I tripled my business in year one and am doubling it again in year two. The sky is the limit and it's a fun ride. Thanks again, Gary."
Robin Visser, President
Creative Touch Video Services
"Gary Barnes is a great coach and friend. He is likable, perceptive, and really good at picking up on what's going on and helping you figure it out. And he's been through a lot, so has the life experience to approach solutions holistically. Gary helped me gain a toehold on some very challenging issues I was facing. I am very grateful and would highly recommend working with Gary."
Mike Connolly
Entrepreneur, Author, Consultant
& Coach Fellow Entrepreneurs
"Gary initially began coaching me on my finances but he quickly provided me with the value-added service of coaching me in my business. He is completely ENJOYABLE to work with and, even though we are still working together, I am seeing measurable results in both areas. Compared to last year, I have already doubled my income in the first 4 months of this year!"
Karen Schatz, President
Virtually With You, Inc.
"Amazing! I attended your money workshop the other day and when I got home there was an email waiting for me with a big YES for a feng shui consult I'd been negotiating for some time. Then I got an email today for another one. Thank you, thank you!!!! Can't wait to attend an expanded session if this is the response I get from 40 minutes with you."
Kathie Seedroff
Simplified Interiors
"I met Gary Barnes at a networking function, then had lunch with him. By the end of lunch, I knew I had to ask him how we could work together.
Didn't have the money, wasn't sure where I'd get it ... but his intuition and background were so similar I knew I needed him by my side for a while. My time with him has proven it - he's smart, sensitive, future-focused and worth every single nickel. Wish I'd met him 10 years ago!"
Scott Birkhead, President
Most Placeable Candidate