Gary Barnes Has Been Seen On:

Would you like to build your business to over $100,000 or more per year? Gary Barnes is a high-performance business and sales coach. He has personally sold over $280 Million in services. He is the innovator and creator of The GET StatementsTM. Join the twice-monthly Group Coaching Mastermind calls and learn how to GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT now:
I can show you how to find the success you were meant to have.
Kristi was the winner of the first season of "The Apprentice"
Kristi has been seen on:

Request my free Breakthrough Business Mastery For On Purpose Results Action Guide so you can get "unstuck" and get maximum results in business and in life.

"There are times when we receive devastating news. But, you must remember that it isn't the news itself that's the problem; it's your reaction to it. Gary's [Barnes] story, proves this idea."
Exerpt from Expect Miracles (pages 78-79)
-Dr. Joe Vitale
I do that in quite a number of ways, including workshops, teleconferences, and coaching. But maybe the simplest way for us to get started is for me to offer you my free electronic newsletter, which you will receive twice a month. Just enter your email address below and you'll start receiving it right away.
It's filled with information that you can use now to create exciting results in your life and business. And it will let you know more about some of the ways we might work together to create more abundance, more fun, more success, and more rewards for yourself.
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